Poem: Sustainability
Dear Reader, I invite you to read a poem about Sustainability: a conversation between a kid and his father.

The underlying message of this poem is for the present generation to practice sustainable development i.e. development done by keeping the needs of the future generation in mind. I’ve written it in rugged free verse, from a perspective of a kid addressing his father so as to target the maternal and paternal instincts in readers, attaching them to the message on a deeper level.
Hey father,
look at what we’ve done.
What about the peaceful paradise
that you’ve promised to your son.
I don’t feel safe
in this world anymore
I’m a mother nature’s son.
And you sit there
thinking I’m insane.
But do you ever stop to notice
that this fragile planet cannot sustain
the sheer number of human beings.
Do we even give a damn,
these crazy politicians!
Everyone’s multiplying
till they’re all walking like flies.
Do we even care?
Why can’t we compare
ourselves with the flowers
and the birds & trees
and the clouds that roll by
and the Sun that sits in the sky.
Then afraid and confused you ask me,
‘What’s wrong with Mother’s womb’
As you cover coastal waters with oily blankets
convert fields of grass into deserts
turn soaring eagles into vultures
as you cut down trees
and they fall like dying soldiers.
As you pave peaceful oases into parking lots.
But father, don’t be afraid
I’ll show you the way
Together we can save
our dying mother
Together we can
keep her safe
Lets reduce, reuse
and recycle
starting from
~dedicated to all the artists who spread the message of love towards our mother Earth far and wide.
Dear reader, I invite you to listen a reading of my poem sustainability by clicking this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3kQilexJUI
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~M.Jay from https://septemberhearttohearts.wordpress.com/